520安徽文旅惠民消费季 | 基本陈列前言(中英文)

发布时间:2024-03-06 16:24来源:芜湖市博物馆作者:石莹莹点击数: 字号:



春秋鸠兹   西汉无湖   三水汇聚   泽国沉浮

汉渝宁沪   舟转江东   太湖巢湖   吴楚交融

钟灵毓秀   青史绵长   集萃撷英   后土流芳





人字洞中觅人祖    大工山下冶青铜

吴光长岸艅艎夺    楚王古城雉堞空

中江水道栀樯乱    于湖圩田稻菽丰

东吴京畿屏藩立    南唐宫廷御瓷贡

扬子风帆映天际    濮店炉火照地红

徽商门户通南北    晚清开埠贯西东

浆染铁画誉海内    近代工业冠皖中

商贾云集米市闹    坊肆栉比长街隆

隐静广济暮钟远    鱼灯梨簧遗韵浓

文化运动新潮涌    大军渡江当首功

悠悠千载垂伟业    皇皇盛世沐春风







Dated back to the Spring and Autumn period, Wuhu was then known as Jiuzi and acquired its current name in Western Han Dynasty.

Many rivers and streams gather here and the land experienced ups and downs in ancient times.

The inland harbour connects upstream Chongqing, Wuhan, and downstream Nanjing and Shanghai along the Yangtze River, where it turns to the north.

Lying near the Taihu Lake and the Chaohu Lake, it was situated in the joint area between ancient Wu State and Chu State.

Wuhu is a marvelous place boasting long history and prominent talents.

Endowed with abundant resources, the picturesque land will  keep its marks of civilization with each passing day.




Trace of human ancestors found in the Herringbone Cavern,

their offspring were busy in bronze smelting at the foot of Dagong Mountain.

The ancient castle of Chu State empty now,

it still overlooks the riverbank where Prince Guang of Wu made their warship Yuhuang return.

Zhongjiang canal teemed with keelboats,

carrying harvest from the vast polder land.

Rebuilt to fortress the Wu capital during the Three Kingdoms,

it served to provide the royal family of Southern Tang with porcelain.

Ships sailed along the Yangtze River thousands upon thousands,

iron-making furnace fire kept flickering generation after generation.

As a busy commercial port opened in late Qing,

the gateway witnessed Huizhou merchants moving in all directions.

Handicraft industries thriving in modern times throughout the province,

the most renowned were dyeing and iron painting.

When the famous rice market assembled merchants,

the Long Street was in shape attracting firms and mills in competition.

The bell in the tranquil Guangji Temple chimed in dusk,

striking a chord with the tempi of Lihuang Opera and the Dance of Fish Lantern.

Here did New Culture Movement pioneers devote themselves to actions,

here was where the Liberation Army in the first place achieved disembarkation.

Remarkable feats accomplished after the vicissitudes of the years,

Wuhu in its heyday is for sure to make it a future wonderland.